June Observances To Inspire Your Author Marketing

by | May 30, 2018 | Monthly Observances & Content Ideas

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Welcome to our list of June observances and content ideas for your monthly author marketing plan!

If you haven’t downloaded our Monthly Book Marketing Planner yet you can grab that here!

Remember, without regular connections to readers, you’re just another book on the shelf they have no vested interest in…so take the time to make yourself stand out by using our June observances and tips to create timely, interesting content with your own twist.

Here’s a list of causes and interests associated with the month of June:

  • Aquarium Month
  • Audiobook Appreciation Month
  • Candy Month
  • Dairy Month
  • Fight the Filthy Fly Month
  • National Gardening Week
  • Gay Pride Month
  • LGBT Book Month
  • National Accordion Awareness Month
  • National Adopt a Cat Month
  • National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month
  • Rose Month
  • Turkey Lovers Month

If any of the above are near and dear to your heart be sure to show your support.

Remember, content ideas don’t always have to stem from your genre or topic. When it comes to author marketing and building a brand, ensuring fans and followers have ways to connect with you on a more personal level is equally as powerful.

How to Use the Content

Below are holidays and just plain wacky and fun June Observances in 2018.

We’ve also included a few content ideas and angles to help spark your creativity!

Remember, not all these are worth an entire blog post or article, but nearly all of them can be turned into a fun or thought provoking social media post or blurb in your newsletter – so it’s like getting triple the ideas.

Keep in mind, nearly all your posts should encourage your fans and followers to respond, chime in, share their stories, etc. so don’t forget to work in that angle with all of the June observances you choose to highlight.

Getting Started With June

1 Dare Day – This is a day to challenge someone! Why not start a writing challenge with a fellow author and loop in your followers so they can get excited about the books you’re working on?

2 National Trails Day – This is a great way to drum up some local love, name your favorite local trail or hiking spot and ask followers to recommend theirs.

4 National Cheese Day – Ahhhh, cheese. Share your favorites, recipes, great memes, there’s lots of room for humor here too.

5 World Environment Day

6 D-Day WWII – If you know someone who served please honor them today, share photos, memories, anything that keeps their memory alive.

Time to Get Creative with Your Book Marketing

7 National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

8 Name Your Poison Day – This is a fun opportunity to reveal a little more about your personality, what’s your weakness?

10 Ball Point Pen Day – If you still write with a pen during your creative process share that experience and the meaning with your fans!

11 National Corn on the Cob Day

12 National Jerky Day

12 Anne Frank’s birthday (on which she received her diary)

14 Monkey Around Day – Sometimes you just have to take a day to live and do the things that make you happy! What does that mean to you?

15 Smile Power Day – Encourage fans and followers to share their personal experiences of the power of a smile.

17 Father’s Day – Shout out to all the awesome dads, share a picture and a touching story of yours.

Just Keep Writing More Content

18 International Panic Day – Time to vent! What are you behind on, what are you struggling with? These revelations make you human, and someone your fans and followers can really connect with.

19 National Kissing Day – Romance authors this is your time to shine! There are too many ways to get creative with this, and I can’t wait to see what the authors I follow come up with!

21 National Selfie Day – Post a selfie and ask fans and followers to post theirs and introduce themselves!

21 Summer Solstice

22 Take Your Dog to Work Day – Post a picture of your favorite furry friend and encourage fans and followers to share theirs.

23 National Pink Day

24 Swim a Lap Day

The June Observances Aren’t Over Yet, Power Through

26 Forgiveness Day – Who or what do you want to forgive? This is a powerful message that really should be shared.

27 Sun Glasses Day

28 International Body Piercing Day – So, got anything surprising you want to share?

29 Hug Holiday – Give a hug, get a hug. We often forget how powerful a well-meaning hug can be. Remind your fans and followers to share the love today.

The Takeaway

 Being an author demands creativity, and it also demands authenticity.

Coming up with unique content ideas as part of your author marketing plan is a great way to take your success seriously and solidify your author brand, without taking yourself too seriously!


  1. Mary Jane Hurley Brant

    Okay, Penny, I’m all in for “not being a gardener” but I’m so appreciative of all of your ideas. They have helped make my life and my marketing sweeter and tonight I hope I can at least give you a laugh from one of my humorous stories – http://maryjanebrant.squarespace.com/the-perfect-tomato/
    Peace and gratitude from your admirer from Philly,

    • Penny Sansevieri

      MJ — thanks so much for sharing! I’m sorry about your countertops, but what a great story! I’m glad these ideas help you.

      • Mary Jane Hurley Brant

        Thanks, Penny, that’s high praise from a writer as yourself.

        That home was our very first and we’ve moved at least nine times since those early and sweet days.



  1. June Observances To Inspire Your Author Marketing – Busypen Marketing - […] We recommend checking out this article: https://amarketingexpert.com/june-observances/ […]

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