5 Book Marketing Strategies for Spiritual Advisors and Authors

by | Oct 17, 2018 | Book Marketing Basics

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The book marketing strategies I’m covering in this piece are predominantly geared toward spiritual advisors, in honor of Increase Your Psychic Powers Day on October 31, but there’s a lot in here for any author looking to compete in numerous spirituality categories on Amazon, and multiple self-help sub-genres, so keep an open mind about what you can take away from my tips below!

And if you’re in any of these fields and feel like you’re in a book promotion rut, please consider contacting me so we can chat about your goals and what a collaboration could potentially do for you.

These Book Marketing Strategies Work for Other Genres

I’ve worked with a number of spiritual advisors turned authors over the years, and whether you resonate as a Psychic, Intuitive, Empath, Channel or Medium…you all have different experiences and unique perspectives to share with the world.

And my approach to aligning the right book marketing strategies for spiritual advisors is very similar to what I consider for a wide variety of self-help authors on a broader scale – because believe it or not, while your brand should be very unique, the way you’ll connect with, and find, readers is often very similar.

Why is this? Because buyer psychology is very consistent across multiple genres, so the book marketing strategies are often consistent as well, with special tweaks for the right angles to use with media, considerations for the time of year you’re marketing your book, and how your brand is set up to support you long term.

#1: Think Big With Intention

Spiritual advisors who write books, like most non-fiction authors, generally start with a very specific idea for their book and why they’re writing it. Even if it’s as simple as, “This is what I know and I want to share it with the world.” Granted, that makes for a very broad marketing goal, but it’s something.

So that’s your intention. You wrote a book for a reason.

What I want you to do is practice pushing that intention out to as many specific buyer markets as you can.

So while you might have had a very specific goal for your book, or a very specific reader in mind, don’t close yourself off to other people who might benefit from what you have to say.

I have this talk with many of my authors because they’ve been dead set on a specific reader since they started chapter one, but it just doesn’t make sense to set limits on your success.

Figure out how to reach those people by tweaking your core book marketing strategies to speak to them on a personal level, and you’ll be amazed at how much your potential buyer market will grow.

If you haven’t done an extensive reader profile yet please download my free worksheet.

#2: Provide a Multi-Faceted Support Network

What I mean by this is, you can’t just sell your book.

Books age, new titles trying to compete with yours are released, there are a lot of variables here, but the best way to ensure your book stays relevant, and more importantly, you and your brand stay top of mind, is by providing more than just your book.

Book marketing strategies that support your brand on a broader level and give you staying power include a really strategically written blog, social media with high engagement, and a service that supports what you do, whether it’s readings, coaching, assessments, or a super useful, action-oriented, motivational newsletter.

Spiritual advisors, along with self-help thought leaders, need to be in it for the long haul if you want to sell books, because people want to invest in a person that has more to offer when they’re done reading – keep this in mind.

#3: Build Your Mailing List with a Great Loss Leader

Building off being in it for the long haul, you’ll also want to keep building your mailing list, and create an opportunity for regular communication with the people most interested in what you have to offer.

Loss leaders are powerful book marketing strategies because they give readers and followers more for their investment, and they also serve to further support your position as a thought leader or expert in your field.

Think free downloads, perhaps worksheets, branded journaling pages with thought provoking questions, chapters of another book you have releasing in the near future. And don’t forget to change it up every once in awhile!

Other great loss leaders are discounts or special access to your services.

You can’t expect people to sign up for your newsletter simply because you wrote a book, give them something to really sink their teeth into as a thank you for taking their interest to the next level.

#4: Be Sure You’re Solving Multiple Problems

It’s important to remember that most people buy books by spiritual advisors, or again, self-help, to solve a problem or address a need.

Yes, that may seem quite elementary, but most authors forget to recognize that their different buyer markets likely have variations of similar problems, or sometimes totally different problems!

Don’t limit your reach and sales potential by pigeonholing your book as the answer to a single, broad problem.

This is especially important when pitching yourself to media or crafting your social media content.

Effective book marketing strategies need to be massaged and manipulated for different kinds of buyers.

And by recognizing that the stay at home mom of 5 kids under age 10 has very different needs and goals than the jet setting, single, 50-something female executive, and ensuring they both feel you know how to speak to them, is when the magic happens and books start selling.

#5:  Stay Current on What’s Happening in Society

This builds off of #4 in many ways, but basically I want to remind you that there’s no easier way to make a personal connection with your current followers and potential buyers than by connecting with them on something important happening in the world.

We are assaulted by media messages and news on multiple channels throughout the day, and it gets to us, sometimes very deeply.

And if you can provide help, relief or guidance to those struggling through current issues, you need to be sure they know that.

So don’t just repeat your same sales pitch over and over again, be sure you’re making yourself relevant by tying your work and your book’s message into what’s important in the moment, and I assure you you’ll get more people interested in what you have to say and what you have to offer.

At the end of the day all books are personal, but I’ll go out on a limb and say that books by spiritual advisors and other self-help authors are an entirely different level of personal, so your book marketing strategies need to take this into consideration.

Everything you do needs to make your current followers, and potential buyers, feel understood.

And for a bit of fun, if you’re a spiritual advisor and have a wonderful tip to share with us for how to celebrate Increase Your Psychic Powers Day on October 31, please share it in the comments or tag me on social media!

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Click to Tweet: Don’t limit your reach and sales potential by pigeonholing your message. via @bookgal #bookmarketing #spiritualauthors https://wp.me/p6TMt8-6Pj

Click to Tweet: Spiritual authors, pay attention! Manifest more sales with these critical strategies from  @bookgal #bookmarketing #spiritual https://wp.me/p6TMt8-6Pj


  1. Wendy Sheffield

    This blog really helped me. I have just written my first spiritual book Spirit Wrier by Wendy Sheffield and I was wondering how to connect with my readers. Thank you for this article.

    • Penny Sansevieri

      Wendy hi – That’s great to hear! I really appreciate that you follow the blog. There are lots of ways to connect with readers that can be tailored to your genre, and we can get into those with some coaching. If you email me at info@amarketingexpert.com, we can get set up and go from there. Thanks for reading!

    • Penny Sansevieri

      Thanks, Wendy – good luck with your book launch!



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